Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Appreciate not for anything

Some days are special, not because I won a lottery but because I am alive

Somethings are special, not because anything has changed about them but because

they never fade our smiles

Some people are special, not because they are perfect but because they keep loving us

even when we don't deserve it

Some occasions are special, not because we are celebrating but because they change our lives for good

Some seasons are special, not because they are any different but because we experience them differently

Some friends are special, not because they have more to offer, but the little they offer is genuine

Some moments are special, not because we received gifts but because they impacted our lives and

we will forever be grateful.

Special people are not necessarily made specially, it is the little things they do specifically and specially for us.

Appreciate!!!!  Appreciate!!!

Friday, October 4, 2013


It was a Saturday morning

The sun was out, I like many other had a crave for different things

I really wanted some planet yoghurt, chilled smoothie

But I had to work, my plans were cancelled

Many drove to the mall, to Westgate precisely

Children were running up to play, parents were busy shopping

Many young people were hanging out, at their favorite joint

A sunny day turned smoky black

Pwa pwa twaaa twaaa boom boom uuuuiiiiii mummmyyy dadddyyy

All kind of sounds were heard, a really cold day in September

Lives were lost, fear engraved hearts, tension was in the atmosphere

First, second..............................................

Was that not enough?????

Third day........................................................

We cried, we bled but we held hands and we were one

We showed love, kindness and unity

We prayed for each other, we mourned together

It was a cold day in September

Monday, August 5, 2013

The little things that matter......

Life is too short to keep complaining, whining and hurting others.

Holding grudges and hating others is a load to heavy to carry....

Why hold on to it while you can let go and let God??????

At times we are too quick to speak we don't think about the consequences of our words

Some words are too heavy, too blunt, too hurting, too sharp, too hard, they make others bleed,

they shatter, they destroy, they take away happiness, they bring sadness, they are bitter;

why say them while you can stay silent instead..

Wise people don't have a mouth diarrhea, fools speak not well thought words

The wise know when to speak and what to say and to whom say what

Why be a fool while you can be wise????????

A smile goes a long way, a compliment lightens a heart, laughter brightens the mood

Friendship creates a bond, oneness is enhanced

Good words bless, forgiveness unites

Don't complicate simple is beautiful

Make life more fulfilling, color the world with joy

Live a fulfilling life................................................

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Often are times we lie to ourselves

Sad very sad, your conscience bites so hard yet you still go ahead

The lie eats up your conscience, your normality

You don't have a conscience anymore

Your feelings slowly die and soon totally dead

You consume and digest everything even waste

Your taste buds are no more

Your sense of smell for good aroma no more

Your eyes see but blur

You hear but interpret it to what suits you

You have lied to you so much, your something else

Be true to you, it saves you

Friday, May 24, 2013


Change is as good as a rest

It's strange we hate change

The weather will change

The position of the sun will change

Everything will change

Anticipate change, there has to be change

Without change there is no future to look forward to

Receive change objectively

Change can be sweet

Change can be hard

Change can be harsh

To accept change you have to change your attitude

Guard and control your reaction to change

Let change make you a better human being

Change is the only permanent thing in life

Change begins with you!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


There is power in unity

Unification is togetherness
Two cannot walk together, unless they agree
Disunity cripples a nation, a family, a church
name it..................................
Where there is unity there is love
There is a dynamic multiplication factor in unity of
numbers, five will chase 100,but 100 will chase
1000 but 1000 will chase 10,000 (Lev 26:8)

Umoja ni nguvu, utengamano ni udhaifu, said the 
Swahili's. Together we stand, divided we fall

Friends let's unite, there is energy in unity.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong, 

the weak can never forgive- Mahatma Gandhi

There is power in forgiveness, you know the healing

has began when you wish your enemies well than evil

We do not naturally or instantly forgive when we are wronged

We feel angered and want to revenge

Which is okay to feel anger and want justice to those who wrong you

But we need to learn to let go and let God

Colossians 3:13  Bear with each other and forgive whatever

grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the lord forgave you

Unforgiveness is like a prison, you are locked in a cell of rage

Forgiveness is an act of obedience

It's a choice, a decision we make

Peace comes with forgiveness

Friends, choose to forgive!

Friday, April 19, 2013


You are special because you are a woman

You bring lives into the world

You are the fertility of this land

You cultivate and till the land

You bring food to the table

You are given a seed

Out of the seed you give sons and daughters

Your tasks are many, you multitask

You give answers and solutions to every situation

It's the most difficult thing to do, raising children

Without navigators, clues, mwakenyaz,no guides

But purely the wisdom and grace of God

Your creativity and innovations, bring beauty to your homes

Your attention to detail, keeps all in check

You are a queen of beauty you bring color to the world.

Inspired by Ohidah Olatunji 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Find you

Many don't know who they really are

What their purpose in this world is

What motivates you to wake up every morning?

We are many on the way to finding who we really are.

How much effort do you put in to find your passion?

You don't need to struggle, find that thing you do with ease,

That thing you would do for free

That thing that gives you satisfaction

That thing God Has called you to do

It will help you know why your really here

And it's a road map to who you really are

Good luck as you find U

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Welcome note!

Hello, jambo, bonjour, Ni hao.......

I'm pleased to invite you all to my blog!

Karibu sana!

My brains, my thoughts, our ideas is simply what

you will get at this blog.

I will share from all lines of life.

I'm more poetic, so many will be in form of poetry

I love to write, but I'm learning to write

Your comments will be appreciated.

Let's share ideas!